All prices are in the currency Australian Dollars (AUD).
Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our store may be mispriced. If we discover an error, we will do one of the following:
All prices include Australian Goods and Services Tax where applicable.
Postage and handling costs are not included in the item price and will be shown in the cart and checkout pages.
See also Shipping Rates
See also Back-Order Policy
Availability estimates shown on this website describe how long it will usually take before that item will be dispatched.
The availability estimate does not include the time your order will take to reach you once we ship it.
The following is a list of the several types of availability estimates you might see on this site.
We will inform you by e-mail if any items in your order prove to be unavailable or if we cannot ship your order within the estimated time shown.
Where goods are unavailable for dispatch within the advertised usual dispatch time they will be placed on back-order. In this case we will send you an email advising you of the back-order and provide you with a revised estimated date of dispatch. You will have the option not to wait and cancel your back-order.
Where an order contains more than one item we will part ship where possible. If payment is by credit card we will only charge the card for the goods dispatched including shipping and handling. Where there is more than one shipment the total costs of shipping will not exceed the original calculated cost when the order was placed, but for credit card purchases we may charge the shipping costs progressively so that if subsequent shipments are cancelled only the appropriate shipping costs will have been paid.
If you wish to cancel a product that is on back-order, please notify us immediately you decide and it will be cancelled provided that it is not already in transit to you.
You can then choose an alternative product or choose to receive a refund where you have already paid for the product.
Images are for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily represent the actual product. Some specifications and dimensions are approximate only.