There are many wise, practical, and academic books that explore the relationship between pets and their owners; Mike&Scrabble is not one of them. Instead, this picture book for adults gives an insight into the mind of a dog who has acquired a slightly damaged human, and sets about trying to train him.
Mike&Scrabble's simple illustrations and one-line observations were originally designed by Mike, despite what Scrabble says, as posts for Twitter and Facebook, to joke about becoming a dog owner. The posts gathered a following of loyal fans, mainly dog owners (about 90%), mainly women (about 55%), and mostly English or American (70%). Except for one fan in Vietnam.
This is a book that dogs will buy, but as they have trouble using an iPad and don't keep money on them, it may well be attractive to their Human pets.
● An often funny, and sometimes sad, look at the relationship between a dog and her human ● Explains the quirky behaviour of humans and dogs through pictures ● A smart dog and a dumb human learn to live together ● Simple, pretty picture book for people who can't be bothered to read a proper book about dogs ● Humans are a dog's best friend; this book is the guide to how to train them