The authors spent seventeen days at the Morgan factory in Pickersleigh Road, Malvern Link recording step-by-step – from customer’s specification sheet to finished car – how individual craftsmen handbuild a Morgan. Follow this amazing journey through the factory, from craftsman to craftsman, by word and picture.
Features: • An incredible journey beginning in the Chassis Shop of the factory • 17 days from specification sheet to finished car • Every detail of the build recorded in words and pictures • Meet Morgan’s craftsmen and apprentices • Discover how generations of the same families have built Morgans • Be amazed at age-old techniques used to shape wooden frames • See the skill in traditional panel beating and rolling • Understand what makes Morgans and the Morgan factory so special
Morgan’s way of producing cars is unique in the world: they still make use of real craftmanship. Never before in more than 100 years of history has the production process been documented in detail. Covers the whole production process, with the description of the production process written by heart.
The book also presents the people who build the car, and gives an outlook of the Morgan future. Some 380 photos include a range of archive photos from the Morgan factory, so that you can compare the process today with that of 100 years ago.